Articles tagged with: VBS Songs
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So my mind wanders…
I am a B
I am a B-U
I am a B-U-D-D-H-I-S-T (hold the “s” out)
and I’ve got B-U-D-D-H-A in my H-E-A-R-T
and I will be R-E-I-N-C-A-R-N-A-T-E-D
I giggled stupidly at this one:
Buddha, Buddha, be like Buddha
Don’t be like a barracuda (makes as much sense as a grouchy rooster…)
Buddha, Buddha, be like Buddha
and BOOST the Noble Truths
Actually, take any Vacation Bible School song, and wherever you hear “Jesus,” replace it with “Buddha.” Or the word “Christian” for “Krishna.” It’s at least as funny as doing “between the sheets.”