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[9 Jan 2018 | Comments Off on hardly anyone knows | ]

Living in a world where light speed will soon be too slow

history »

[17 Dec 2008 | Comments Off on world tour | ]

I was recently checking a weather map of Central Tennessee, and I started noticing the names of the towns; some I knew were there, some I didn’t.  By the time I had adjusted the map somewhat, in view between the towns of Lebanon (ironic in its own right, if it weren’t for the additional linguistic miracle that it is pronounced more like the region in Tolkien’s Middle Earth called Lebennin) and Cookeville are the towns of Alexandria, Sparta, Mt. Ararat, Macedonia, Antioch, Phillipi, Carthage, and Rome.  The further irony is …

opinion »

[5 Nov 2008 | Comments Off on the thing with feathers | ]

Being walkers with the dawn and morning,
Walkers with the sun and morning,
We are not afraid of night,
Nor days of gloom,
Nor darkness–
Being walkers with the sun and morning.
– Langston Hughes

I thought last night of the persistent phrase that Republican pundits have used since 2002: the Democrats would be “on the wrong side of history.”  History proved each pundit amazingly wrong.  I thought of the people that are predicting socialism, widespread abrogation of rights, and a decline of society.  I thought of the people that claim their personal knowledge of our President-elect’s …