Articles tagged with: America
opinion »
Being walkers with the dawn and morning,
Walkers with the sun and morning,
We are not afraid of night,
Nor days of gloom,
Nor darkness–
Being walkers with the sun and morning.
– Langston Hughes
I thought last night of the persistent phrase that Republican pundits have used since 2002: the Democrats would be “on the wrong side of history.” History proved each pundit amazingly wrong. I thought of the people that are predicting socialism, widespread abrogation of rights, and a decline of society. I thought of the people that claim their personal knowledge of our President-elect’s …
ethics, opinion, religion »
From CNN:
“Reagan had an immense faith in the power of ideas. But there has been a counter, more populist tradition, which is not only to scorn liberal ideas but to scorn ideas entirely.”
I think this is one of the best descriptions of the current state of the Republican Party (and it is by a conservative commenter, in case you’re not inclined to read the article). People who vote GOP and hail Reagan as their standard-bearer often are wildly off history when it comes to what it is they vote for. …
ethics, opinion »
You’ve read about my interest in Ancient History, specifically that of the Mediterranean. I’ve also commented on the parallels between us and the Roman Empire. While I still have plenty to say on that subject, this article raises the more appropriate, telling, and embarrassing question: Are we France?
TIME – How we became the United States of France