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let there be dark

9 September 2008 one comment

Quotes from the “Comments” section of London’s Evening Standard article on the Large Hadron Collider:

All I want to know is if the Big Bang really happened, how did all those protons get there in the first place? And what made them just happen to accelerate in such a fashion? I’m sure there wasn’t a fancy tube like they built just built in Europe. If you want to find out how the universe was created, go read the Word of God. End of story.

Perhaps all the black holes around the universe are the result of distant cultures discovering the “God particle” to their own demise. We really don’t know why they form, right? Scientists believe other beings exist out there, right? Who knows. It’s a risky experiment.

The theory of the big bang is that a couple of these random particles slammed together and created the infinite universe.

Stupid scientists, they’re going to prove themselves wrong! Once they discover the God Particle, it will prove that evolution is a lie!

The same scientists that made the atom bomb later regretted it. But at least they were lucky enough to not destroy us all in the process of learning that mistake. This time mankind might not be so lucky. Funny how the Mayan calender ends about the same time they plan on spinning this monster up…

At Yahoo News,  an actual technology analyst had this to say:

At the same time, the public’s willingness to believe left-field doomsday theories reveals a fundamental weakness in the scientific community’s outreach efforts.

No, the public’s willingness to believe any weird-ass conspiracy/doomsday hooey (the word “theory” should not be used in the same sentence as “doomsday”) reveals a fundamental weakness in the intellectual self-preservation of the world public.  Real Science starts to hurt their head, apparently, so they turn to something that (ironically, mirroring Occam’s Razor in a disturbed, surreal sort of way) is just easier to understand, and thus simpler (q.v. recently, Bigfoot).

Another reader quote at the Evening Standard:

“And God said…” there’s your answer.

This makes me truly wonder if there are people who think microwave ovens work on the principle of someone praying “give us this day our daily bread.”

One Comment »

  • Scott said:

    Almost they persuade me to be a non-theist.